LDAP Injection
LDAP Injection is an attack used to exploit web based applications that construct LDAP statements based on user input. When an application fails to properly sanitize user input, it's possible to modify LDAP statements using a local proxy.
Ports 389 y 636
Filter = ( filtercomp ) Filtercomp = and / or / not / item And = & filterlist Or = |filterlist Not = ! filter Filterlist = 1*filter Item= simple / present / substring Simple = attr filtertype assertionvalue Filtertype = '=' / '~=' / '>=' / '<=' Present = attr = * Substring = attr ”=” [initial] * [final] Initial = assertionvalue Final = assertionvalue (&) = Absolute TRUE (|) = Absolute FALSE
For example: (&(!(objectClass=Impresoras))(uid=s*)) (&(objectClass=user)(uid=*))
You can access to the database, and this can content information of a lot of different types.
The backups of LDAP uses the extension ldif
OpenLDAP: If 2 filters arrive, only executes the first one. ADAM or Microsoft LDS: With 2 filters they throw an error. SunOne Directory Server 5.0: Execute both filters.
It is very important to send the filter with correct syntax or an error will be thrown. It is better to send only 1 filter.
The filter has to start with: & or | Example: (&(directory=val1)(folder=public))
(&(objectClass=VALUE1)(type=Epson*)) VALUE1 = *)(ObjectClass=*))(&(objectClass=void
Then: (&(objectClass=*)(ObjectClass=*)) will be the first filter (the one executed).
Login Bypass
LDAP supports several formats to store the password: clear, md5, smd5, sh1, ssha, crypt. So, it could be that independently of what you insert inside the password, it is hashed.
LDAP_FUZZ LDAP Attributes LDAP_authBypass
Blind LDAP Injection
You can iterate over the ascii letters, digits and symbols:
Discover valid LDAP fields
LDAP objects contains by default several attributes that could be used to save information. You can try to brute-force all of them to extract that info. You can find a list of default LDAP attributes here.
Special Blind LDAP Injection (without "*")
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